All the things required for Gardening , Seeds , Manure , gardening Tools , Organic products and much more ..
Barrix Magic Sticker Chromatic Trap – Combo Pack (5 Sheets)
Category : Gardening
Specially developed to aid in pest monitoring, this pack is an ideal integrated pest management (IPM) tool for protection against a range of fly pests and is applicable for all crops. This eco-friendly alternative that helps in sustained organic cultivation is
Barrix Catch Fruit Fly Lure
Category : Gardening
A particular isomer of Sex Pheromone Allyl Veratrol also called Methyl eugenol is impregnated into the wood piece using ‘wood impregnation’ technology, which is an IIHR (Indian Institute of Horticultural Research) certified, accredited and patented technol
Mulching Paper
Category : Gardening
Red Mulch Film works on a simple phenomenon of absorbing light in the visible ultra violet and IR spectrum. It prevents the photosynthesis process, thus, preventing the growth of weed. The film has excellent property of affecting light, moisture and temperatur
Tree Guard
Category : Gardening
A Tree guard, is a type of plastic shelter used to nurture trees in the early stages of their growth. Our range of tree guard is known for durability, flexibility and economical as compared to common pre-formed tree shelters. Econet tree guards permit the tree
Barrix Magic Sticker Chromatic Trap – Combo Pack (5 Sheets)
Category : Gardening
Specially developed to aid in pest monitoring, this pack is an ideal integrated pest management (IPM) tool for protection against a range of fly pests and is applicable for all crops. This eco-friendly alternative that helps in sustained organic cultivation is
Mulching Paper
Category : Gardening
Red Mulch Film works on a simple phenomenon of absorbing light in the visible ultra violet and IR spectrum. It prevents the photosynthesis process, thus, preventing the growth of weed. The film has excellent property of affecting light, moisture and temperatur
Tree Guard
Category : Gardening
A Tree guard, is a type of plastic shelter used to nurture trees in the early stages of their growth. Our range of tree guard is known for durability, flexibility and economical as compared to common pre-formed tree shelters. Econet tree guards permit the tree
Barrix Catch Fruit Fly Lure
Category : Gardening
A particular isomer of Sex Pheromone Allyl Veratrol also called Methyl eugenol is impregnated into the wood piece using ‘wood impregnation’ technology, which is an IIHR (Indian Institute of Horticultural Research) certified, accredited and patented technol
Tree Guard
Category : Gardening
A Tree guard, is a type of plastic shelter used to nurture trees in the early stages of their growth. Our range of tree guard is known for durability, flexibility and economical as compared to common pre-formed tree shelters. Econet tree guards permit the tree
Mulching Paper
Category : Gardening
Red Mulch Film works on a simple phenomenon of absorbing light in the visible ultra violet and IR spectrum. It prevents the photosynthesis process, thus, preventing the growth of weed. The film has excellent property of affecting light, moisture and temperatur
Barrix Magic Sticker Chromatic Trap – Combo Pack (5 Sheets)
Category : Gardening
Specially developed to aid in pest monitoring, this pack is an ideal integrated pest management (IPM) tool for protection against a range of fly pests and is applicable for all crops. This eco-friendly alternative that helps in sustained organic cultivation is
Barrix Catch Fruit Fly Lure
Category : Gardening
A particular isomer of Sex Pheromone Allyl Veratrol also called Methyl eugenol is impregnated into the wood piece using ‘wood impregnation’ technology, which is an IIHR (Indian Institute of Horticultural Research) certified, accredited and patented technol