Sampurna Gold (Liquid Micronutrient)
Category : Micronutrient
Chealated Liquid Micronutrient: sampurna Gold is a mixture of essential elements like Iron Meganese , zinc, copper, Molybdenum and boron. It supplies balance nutrition to the plants thorough foliar spray and takes care of hidden hunger which can not be easily
NATCA (N-acetyl–thiazolidine-4-carboxylic acid )
Category : Micronutrient
NATCA ( N-acetyl–thiazolidine-4-carboxylic acid ) : NATCA is widly used agri industry for giving resistance power to plants, which helps them to grow in poor cultivating condition. NATCA treated plants show a greater resistance to bad growing conditions, sin
Coffer M-50 Micronutrient Powder
Category : Micronutrient
Coffer M-50 is a multi micronutrient mixture in powder form . It is 100% Water soluble ideal for spraying as well as for drip irrigation . It contains all the micronutrient element Magnesium, Zinc,Copper,Boron,Manganese,Ferrous,Molybdate in perfect blend. Coff
Nimban- Azadirectin
Category : Micronutrient
Nimban- Azadirectin We are engaged in offering excellent quality Neem 1500 PPM (Azadirachtin 0.15% EC) to our valuable clients. Physico Chemical properties:- colour : brown liquid odour : characteristic neem odour ph : 6.5 â±0.02 specific gravity : 0.98 solu
Fertiliq Micronutrient spray
Category : Sprayer
Fertiliq Micronutrient spray Fertiliq : Fertiliq is a popular multi micronutrient spray suitable for all crops . For correction of micronutrient deficiency in all the major crops.It contains perfect blend of almost all the micronutrients required for higher yi
Cotmax – Micronutrient spray for Cotton
Category : Sprayer
Cotmax – Micronutrient spray for Cotton Crop Cotmax : A perfect blend of all micronutrient in right proportions . Its a foliar spray , Plants are capable of taking in nourishment through their leaves as well as their roots. Foliar sprays work quickly to
Borax ( Boron ) – Micronutrient
Category : Micronutrient
Borax, also known as sodium borate, sodium tetraborate, or disodium tetraborate, is an important boron compound, a mineral, and a salt of boric acid. Powdered borax is white, consisting of soft colorless crystals that dissolve easily in water. Boron is one of
Combisafe ( Carbendism 12 % + Mancozeb 63 % wp ) Fungicide
Category : Micronutrient
Combisafe ( Carbendazim 12 % + Mancozeb 63 % wp ) : Fungicide Our offered Combisafe is a wettable powder formualtion containing Carbendism 12 % and Mancozeb 63 % wp . ype : Fungicide , Benzimidazole NOMENCLATURE:- Common name carbendazim (BSI, E-ISO); carbenda
Panchakarma ( 5 in 1 ) – Surfactant
Category : Micronutrient
Panchakarma : 5 in 1 Agro Surfactant Highly Effective 5 in 1 product – Special blend of Non Anionic Surfactants, Emulsifiers Increase in effectiveness of agricultural sprays through penetration & spreading. Panchakarma acta as a Sticker ,Spreader,Ac